Our fundraising Goal: $5240 Our Total so far: $5340

Our Fundraising Goal: $5240 Our Total as of today: $5500!!!

Can you belive it????


And passed!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!

Who are we Fundraising for?....Team for Kids

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Laundry is dangerous for your health...and your running schedule

Yes, laundry is dangerous for your health.  I am writing Congress...not that they'd do anything.  Anyway, two weeks ago Sunday, I managed to bash my pinkie toe on my wrought iron bed.  Oh, the pain was horrible.  I hoped it wasn't broken, but it was so painful and every toe turned black and blue.  Not good.  

The Monday after it happened I decided to know for sure and be proactive.  I did not want to do any long-term damage by working out on it.  I went to my doctor, who then sent me for x-rays.  She was pretty sure it was broken, but since I was planning on continuing to run she wanted to put a stop to that by giving me proof.  So the x-rays showed a "partial fracture".  That means not all the way through, but if I didn't want to be out even longer than the three-6 weeks by breaking it all the way, I was immediately on a "no running plan".  Argh!  

I do have to say that it hasn't been that bad.  The mental part of not running has been difficult, but I have certainly not slacked off.  Since, I insanely signed up for the triathlon, I have had plenty of cycling and swimming to work on.  I can actually now swim 1200 meters straight.  I am very proud of that accomplishment.  This past Saturday, Joe and I did 1200 m straight with 300m warm-up and a 300m cool-down.  I can't tell you how huge that is for us!

I am not back to doing squats and lunges after two weeks.  (I know exciting.)  The swelling is completely gone and almost all the black and blue.  I am hoping to give slow running a shot this Friday, as I am supposed to be Bellas running buddy for her first 5k this upcoming Saturday.  I have had to work two days this week and ran in my class with my toddlers and preschoolers, so that's a good sign.  Even if I do run the 5 k this weekend, I will probably take off another 1-2 more weeks to make sure it is completely healed.  New York is only 209 days away so I am hoping this is all the injury bad luck I'll have.  I do also wish there was a good running injury story associated with my pinkie toe.  Like....I was struggling to beat a 5 minute mile half-marathon and tripped over the foot of the Olympian chasing me;).  Funny I know!  

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